The RE/MAX Formula

The RE/MAX Formula was established in February 2003 with the participation of our Broker/Owners, Associates, Support Staff & Regional & International Staff. Essentially, the Formula is a graphical representation of 14 elements that will enhance the development of the organization (what we call “Top Line Icons”) and 14 elements that will slow the development of the organization (what we call “Bottom Line Icons”). It was designed to be used as a management tool and assists in the way we do business and conduct ourselves in RE/MAX.
All affiliates are held accountable in terms of The Formula, so if you’re thinking of joining RE/MAX, read through these points to see if you think you’ll be a good match.
In Business For Yourself But Not By Yourself
- Independence with support
- Freedom within boundaries
- Supporting others
- Personal promotion
- Being in business without large capital and infrastructure requirements
- Operating with a business mindset
Community Involvement
- Putting something back
- Showing care
- Social responsibility
- Local presence and visibility
- Giving of yourself
- Enjoy what you do
- Celebrate success
- Do something weird every week
- Ringing the bell
- Socializing
- Having friends at work
- Don’t take things too seriously
RE/MAX Quality Assurance
- Five stars
Effective Leadership
- Getting the best out of people
- Enabling others to act
- Inspire a shared vision
- Model the way
- Encourage the heart
- Awards at all levels
- Celebrations
- Making success visible
Financial Discipline
- Pay everyone on time
- No inappropriate loans
- Saving
- Cash is king
- Stick to the budget
- Managing your earnings
RE/MAX Passion
- Love of the balloon
- Telling the story
- Living the dream
- Red, white and blue blood
Be Different
- Unique
- Out in front
- Innovation
- Above the crowd
- Challenging the status quo
- Non-conventional
Maximum Commission Concept
- On the “100%” System or constantly working towards it in a structured way (RAPP)
Clients For Life
- After sale service
- Keeping contact
- Client appreciation
- Creative lifetime value
- Consistency
- Exceeding clients expectations
- Own the client
- Understanding the future value of clients
- Delivering performance
- Taking responsibility for your actions
- Taking ownership
- Keeping your word
- Walk your talk
- Sharing
- Networking
- Working together
- Don’t let the side down
- Black Economic Empowerment
Operating Systems That Work
- Knowing and understanding RE/MAX policies and procedures
- Policies and procedures adhered to
The Wrong People
- Don’t fit with the formula
- Not financially sound
- Prima Donnas
Brand Bashing
- Misuse of the brand
- Bad mouthing the brand
- Misrepresenting the brand
- Self-centered
- Not sharing
- ME, Myself and I
Uncontrolled Mavericks
- Buck the system
- Throw tantrums
- On their own mission
- Demanding and disruptive
- Not team players
Out of the Picture
- Poor communication
- Lack of transparency
- Lack of understanding
- Missing the bigger picture
- Out of tune / Out of step
- Not listening
Negative Attitudes
- It won’t work
- Half empty glass
- Throwing up barriers and limitations
- Holding the team back
- Being a high maintenance person
Dishonesty And Unprofessional Conduct
- Says it all
- Lack of teamwork
- Uninvolved
- Too busy
- Out in the cold
- Being RE/moved
Being Average
- Mediocre
- Accepting second best
- Going with the flow
- Not raising the bar
- No growth
Poor Presentation
- Unacceptable appearance of EVERYTHING
Black Mambas
- Gossip
- Whispering in passages
- Poison
- Not right for the system
- Underhanded and undermining
- Discrediting
Power Plays
- Cliques
- Politics
- Playing one off against the other
- Hidden agendas
- Turf wars
Inadequate Training
- Blunt saw
- Not enough, inappropriate, and irrelevant training
- No commitment to learn and grow
- “Knowing it all”
Referral Failure
- Lack of feedback
- Lack of understanding
- Failure to agree upfront on commission splits
- No follow through
- Non-participation
- Not adopting the system
- Unqualified Referrals
The RE/MAX Formula is a powerful guide for professional and personal growth, built on principles like accountability, leadership, innovation, and community involvement. It fosters independence while offering support, celebrating achievements, and delivering exceptional client experiences. By adhering to these values and avoiding pitfalls like negativity, dishonesty, and poor teamwork, RE/MAX ensures excellence in every facet of its operations.
Ready to be part of a network that thrives on collaboration, passion, and success? Join RE/MAX today and elevate your real estate career to new heights!
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